RBWords - Volume 26 - Number 7: July 2013
Something to Think About
R.B.Words – Volume 26 – Number 7 – July 2013
Anyone watching the World Youth Day appearances of Pope Francis would have to conclude that we are dealing with a pope vastly different from his two immediate predecessors. He has certainly caught the attention of a very large public and has shaken up the church. In his speech to the Conference of Latin American bishops [CELAM], he virtually accused them of being out of touch with the vast majority of the people they are serving! He challenged them to be pastors and not administrators! To the millions of youth, he challenged them to “shake up” the church – to “make a mess!” I can’t say I have heard those expressions from a pope – not even from John Paul II, who knew how to handle a stage!
Francis has been pope since March 13. He has appointed a special commission of cardinals to advise him on church government, particularly on the reform of the Roman curia. He has also appointed a special group to investigate and suggest reforms in the way the Vatican handles investments and finances. For the moment, however, many of us are awaiting major appointments both in the curia and in this country. He recently challenged the nuncios in the diplomatic service to send him the names of pastoral men as potential bishops, and not administrators. The special commission of cardinals will meet for the first time in early October, but there are lots of things going on behind the scenes [as always with Vatican stuff]. If the World Youth Day speeches that he gave in Brazil are any indicator for the future, life is going to get very interesting in our church over the next few years. Let us pray that he stays in good health! In the meantime, his personal style is enchanting a lot of folks who were “disaffected” by the church and they are cautiously coming back. Francis is challenging all of us to make them welcome! IT’S SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!
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It Has Been Said
"The climate [in Rio de Janeiro] was spontaneous ... I could be close to the people, greet them, embrace them, without armored cars. During the entire time, there wasn't a single incident. I realize there's always a risk of a crazy person, but having a bishop behind bulletproof glass is crazy, too. Between the two, I prefer the first kind of craziness."
Pope Francis during press conference on the flight back to Rome