RBWords - Volume 32 - Number 1: January 2019
Something to Think About
R. B. WORDS – VOL. 32 – NO. 1 – JANUARY 2020
Every January I begin a new volume of this newsletter and it never fails to remind me of the passage of time. I began writing and sending RBWORDS in January 1988 as a way of staying in touch with friends. I had just left a wonderful campus ministry at Southeastern Louisiana University to prepare for the responsibility of Novice Master for the Southern Dominican Province. I had been in campus ministry for 17 straight years at that point. In the next ten years I would be Novice Master, Vicar Provincial, Itinerant Preacher and Pastor of an inner city Hispanic parish before returning to campus ministry at my alma mater, Tulane for five years. Once more my Dominican brothers called me to take a responsibility for setting up and leading a formation community after which I served as a chaplain and teacher at a Dominican sisters’ motherhouse and college in Kentucky for four years. When that ended in 2009, I began full time itinerant preaching, which I enjoyed for the past ten years. During that ten years, however, I lived in Austin, TX, then Houston (where I served as Prior of the Dominican community), and finally here in Lubbock where we serve the campus ministry at Texas Tech University. Last July, I asked for “limited service” status and stopped full time itinerant ministry. I still do retreats from time to time, but mostly I enjoy the university atmosphere and the students while helping out at our university parish and local parishes when a substitute priest is needed. I will be 77 next month and feel very blessed to be where I am. In 2021, I will celebrate 50 years of ordained ministry. Through this newsletter, you my beloved readers, have shared in that ministry and I am very grateful to you for your love, support and prayers. IT’S SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT
It Has Been Said
“Above all, never question the truth beyond all understanding and surpassing all other wonders that in the long run nothing, not even the world, not even ourselves, can separate us forever from that last and deepest love that glimmers in our dusk like a pearl, like a face.”
From THE SACRED JOURNEY by Frederick Buechner, quoted in his LISTENING TO YOUR LIFE – Daily Meditations with Frederick Buechner.
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