Word to the Wise
Monday, October 23, 2006 - 29th Monday in Ordinary Time
[Ephesians 2:1-10 and Luke 12:13-21]Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one's life does not consist of possessions.
What is true security? It seems that the more "secure" we get, the more "insecure" we get. The more we acquire the more we have to worry about losing it. This can take on geographic significance. Much of our immigration law in this country is based on our insecurity. Much of the current economic policy of this country is based on the fear of the well off that they could "lose it all." Some companies grow larger and larger so that they dominate a field and thereby "protect" themselves. Where is the real treasure? What are we trying to protect? Jesus tells the story of the Rich Fool who thinks he can protect his future by building bigger barns and warehouses. In the culture of Jesus' time, it would have made more moral sense to sell off some of that property and give it to the poor to insure his place in the afterlife! But the "afterlife" doesn't seem to drive economic greed in this land (and elsewhere!). The philosophy is more like "get it while you can." The Rich Fool died almost as soon as he thought he was secure. It's a scandal that on this abundant planet there are people starving and living in misery. Yet, greed in the form of arms sales or environmental or economic exploitation simply continues the misery. Those who profit from it are not looking at what matters in the sight of God, it seems. They just want bigger barns. The "afterlife" is not a sufficient economic incentive. Jesus' story is a warning to all of us. True security has to do with faith in God's providence and not in building bigger places to hold or display wealth. True security does not consist in high fences along national borders. True security does not consist in the gross national product or the Standard and Poor Index topping 12,000. The Rich Fool could have been secure in the deepest sense of the word - in God. But he chose the path of possessions. That's why he is called a fool and not a wise man. AMEN