Word to the Wise
Saturday, November 11, 2006 - St. Martin of Tours
[Philippians 4:10-19 and Luke 16:9-15]The person who is trustworthy in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also dishonest in great ones.
Who can you trust? That's a very important question. In the context of the gospel scripture, Luke is reflecting on the integrity of a disciple. A disciple has to be trustworthy in all matters. Lord knows any religious figure of any prominence should know that in this day and age, they'd better be "squeaky clean" or the media will crucify them! Some would say, "And rightly so!" But, one must ask if it has to be only a religious leader who must have integrity! Trust is an easy thing to lose and a very hard thing to restore. It's really a matter of integrity. Integrity warns a person that a particular course of conduct simply isn't in the picture for them, no matter what. To act outside one's integrity is to be "out of character." It is also to lose something very precious! It is true that some of us don't do as well with "small stuff" as we do with "big picture" stuff! Unfortunately, most folks live on the level of the "little things" and need to know that someone is going to "be there" when needed. The "big stuff" seems easier to attract attention and rally folks. But it's the small, everyday, things that build the trust. Jesus' comment makes good sense, but as often happens, the gospel doesn't seem to mean good sense and integrity to so many. We disciples have to try harder! AMEN