Word to the Wise
Monday, March 19, 2007 - Feast of St. Joseph
[2 Samuel 7:4-5A, 12-14A, 16; Romans 4:13, 16-18; Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24A or Luke 2:41-51A]When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the Holy Spirit. Joseph, her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly........
St. Joseph has so many different countries, organizations, religious orders, and individuals counting on him, it's hard to know where to start with understanding his devotional popularity. It can take enormous institutional form as in the Shrine of St. Joseph in Montreal, which is the offspring of the devotion of a single Holy Cross brother. It can take the form of a slip of paper placed under a statue of St. Joseph by a Little Sister of the Poor in Denver. It can take the form of a small plastic statue buried (some say it has to be upside down!) in the ground of a piece of property that someone wants to sell! In South Louisiana, there are huge St. Joseph Altars, weighted down with food! Those are just some samples!!!! On this one occasion of the celebration of his feast day, as important as it is in the universal church to so many diverse "constituencies, I would like to call attention to the lines from the first of a choice of gospel scriptures today. If nothing else, Joseph was a compassionate man who did not wish to debase or humiliate the woman to whom he was betrothed in her embarrassing situation. He was a man of faith as well in accepting God's plan just as Mary did. There are no dramatic lines such as, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord....etc." We are told simply that he did as the messenger of God "commanded." He also accompanied Mary in the search when Jesus was left behind in Jerusalem. This bespeaks a committed and devoted parent. If these characteristics give birth to some of the dramatic devotional manifestations that are part of celebrating his feast day - so be it. But I hope the celebrations don't overshadow the characteristics. We don't have to imitate the devotions, but we really should imitate those virtues. AMEN