Word to the Wise
Sunday, August 19, 2007 - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
[Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10; Hebrews 12:1-14; Luke 12:49-53]Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.....
Jesus knew well the fate of prophets. The first scripture of this Sunday gives an example. Jeremiah was saying things that upset the rulers and population. These authorities were not happy with anything that would create division so they threw him in a well! Throughout the Book of Jeremiah there are examples of his anguish over the fact that what he would have to say would bring hardship on himself and on others. Jesus' comment about bringing division may reflect the experience of the community later on, but that doesn't take away from the bitter irony he must have felt knowing that his message of love and forgiveness would create hatred and revenge in many, including the members of a family. There are some wonderful people who dedicate their lives to teaching and preaching nonviolence. I truly admire and appreciate their work. Some of these efforts focus on international issues of peace and reconciliation. A dear friend of mine has just accepted a position with a private foundation that sponsors peacemaking (or "peacebuilding") initiatives on the national and international levels. I pray daily for her and the success of her ministry. Still other people work in local efforts to promote nonviolent solutions to neighborhood or citywide problems. These efforts may seem at times very small compared to the amount of violence taking place around the planet. But each step is precious. Until we can create a culture of nonviolence people will continue to see violence as an acceptable solution to any disagreement. Creating the necessary culture of nonviolence can be the work of a lifetime and more, but unless we make the effort, the sword will consume us. AMEN