Word to the Wise
Friday, January 25, 2008 - The Conversion of St. Paul
[Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22 and Mark 16:15-18]I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.
After the death and resurrection of the Lord, it would be difficult to find an event more important in the history of Christianity than the conversion of St. Paul. There are three accounts of the event in the Acts of the Apostles and in each of them, the words quoted above are found. Saul of Tarsus (soon to become Paul) was a zealous Pharisee who enthusiastically became a "bounty hunter" in a persecution of the Christian community. It was while he was engaged in this persecution that he was confronted by Jesus in a blinding moment. When Saul/Paul asked the identity of the voice he was hearing, the response was: "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting." From zealous anti-Christian, Paul became a zealous Christian preacher. His letters, or those written in his name, are considered by the Church to be the inspired Word of God and are the foundation for much of Christian theology! His missionary journeys to establish the faith in previously pagan lands are an amazing testimony to his faith, his zeal, his toughness, and his love and care for those to whom and with whom he ministered. The words of Jesus which Paul heard are the foundation for a profound understanding of the relationship between the believer and Jesus Christ. Paul was not just persecuting individual believers, he was persecuting Christ himself! We are identified with Christ through baptism (cf. Romans 6:3-11). Therefore anyone who persecutes a Christian believer is persecuting Christ! Further, this is the basis of the belief in the Church as the Body of Christ. Needless to say, it would be impossible to do justice to St. Paul's contribution to our understanding of Jesus Christ in this forum! I can only call attention to the huge debt of thanks that we owe to God for calling him to ministry and point out how Paul's preaching continues to impact our faith today. Celebrating the feast of his conversion seems to me the least we can do to say "Thanks!" AMEN