Word to the Wise
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 - Tuesday in the Second Week of Advent [St. Juan Diego, hermit]
[Isaiah 40:1-11 and Matthew 18:12-14]Like a shepherd he feeds his flock; in his arms he gathers the lambs, carrying them in his bosom and leading the ewes with care!
During the Advent Season, the church reflects on various images of Jesus that found a basis in Old Testament hopes! After all, the season of Ad-vent is truly a season of hope. The Book of Comfort in Isaiah, also known as "Deutero-Isaiah, or "second Isaiah," is a rich source for this. The first scripture today is also the one we heard on Sunday! The shepherd image is vivid and tender! Isaiah is speaking to a people returning from 70 years of exile in Babylon. There would be only a few who could remember the original event personally. It would not be surprising at all if they were uncertain as to what awaited them back in Israel! Isaiah tries to reassure them. The gospel passage today also speaks to that shepherd imagery and speaks especially to the desire of the shepherd not to lose even one member of the flock! Today's scripture reminds us that there is more than one way to "image" our anticipation and celebration of Advent and Christmas! We can focus on the baby in the manger, yes, but we can also rejoice at what this child will become and remains for us: The Good Shepherd! The example of care and tenderness is also a reminder of what so many people need in this season instead of something they'll have to return to the store! AMEN