Word to the Wise
Monday, February 2, 2009 - The Presentation of the Lord
[Malachi 3:1-4; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40]"Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel."
The Gospel of Luke turns what would be an ordinary, routine religious observance into an event with significance far beyond the original intent. Scripture scholars tell us that the "infancy narratives" are "mini-gospels" and convey all that will follow (probably because they were written last and thus "in the light" of what happened later in time in the story.) In the words of Simeon, which tradition knows by the Latin name, "Nunc Dimittis," the meaning of Jesus' life is to be a light to the world and the fulfillment of Israel's hope. He also warns Jesus' parents that this destiny will include tragedy and sorrow. On the ordinary level this would be an overwhelming thing to say to young parents with a baby who were just trying to take care of their religious obligations!! But, the Gospel of Luke is not worried even if the parents are "amazed!" The liturgical history of the church's observance of this biblical event began back in the 5th century and eventually in the Middle Ages "picked up on" the light symbolism so that candlelight processions became part of the celebration. Thus candles were blessed and the day came to be called "Candlemas!" Then the candles found an additional use on the next day for the "Blessing of Throats" in observance of the feast of St. Blaise! We Catholics put our symbols to work! I recall from the days of B&W television the Catholic program from the Christopher Movement with its song: "If everyone lit, just one little candle, what a bright world this would beeee!" To this day, the lighting of a candle for me is the saying of a prayer and the invoking of the presence of the Lord. It's a simple observance that we could all do: Light a candle, tell the story, pray for the light to spread. AMEN