Word to the Wise
Saturday, April 11, 2009 - Holy Saturday - The Easter Vigil
[Seven Readings from the Old Testament; Romans 6:3-11; Mark 16:1-7]Are you unaware that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life.
When I was pastor of St. Ann's in San Antonio (1994-98) the Easter Vigil celebration meant placing a very large and wide galvanized metal tub in front of the altar. It would be filled with water and decorated on the outside. It's purpose was to serve for the baptism of those who seeking to become Catholics and had participated in the RCIA program at the parish! (We could only hope that the water would at least come up to room temperature - it's chill could give occasion to some interesting reactions on the part of those being baptized!) Clearly, the words of St. Paul become the center-point of the Easter Vigil even though the resurrection of Jesus, symbolized in the ceremonies surrounding the Paschal Candle at the beginning of the service, is the event that we are celebrating. Baptism, however, unites the Christian with that resurrection, so that the past event of Jesus' death and resurrection become the present event of our brothers and sisters being baptized! As a pastor I have experienced some powerful moments at this service. (Sadly, the length of time required for this part of the service means the entire service is quite long, which, in turn, discourages many from attending and thus missing out on the sheer majesty of it all.) The readings from the Old Testament set a context, especially in the ones from Genesis, Exodus, Isaiah and Ezekiel, in which the element of water is mentioned. These are all brought together in the Blessing of the Baptismal Water. Even if you don't attend the Vigil Service, I urge you to find a missal or misalet and read the whole Liturgy of the Word and join in the great ALLELUIA that precedes the reading of the resurrection account in the Gospel According to Mark! The Paschal Fire, the baptismal faith of those entering the church, the scriptural richness and the new ALLELUIA offer an experience of faith and liturgy that is singularly powerful. It is truly a wonderful way to keep Vigil for Easter. AMEN