Word to the Wise
Saturday, June 19, 2010 - Saturday in the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time
[2 Chronicles 14:17-25 and Matthew 6:24-34]Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.
I have a friend who occasionally reminds me of this bit of gospel wisdom. She knows that I tend to live too much in the future instead of the present. Jesus calls attention to his Father's great providence in providing for all living creatures, and points out that we humans do have at least the importance of grass! In another place we rank above the sparrows! So, we should not worry about the future. Yes, yes, I know that's true but I still worry about what's coming down the road. Will I find sufficient preaching opportunities to be able to sustain my itinerant ministry? (I could add a bunch of "etc.'s" to this!) And I know plenty of people for whom the "future" means nothing since they are not sure where the next meal is coming from, or they are struggling in a day to day battle with addiction. I also know folks whose lives are lived mostly in their memories of the past and their efforts to hold on to that past. There are plenty of "poster bromides" such as, "Live each day as if it were your last!" and "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" - but the best comfort comes from "God will provide." What I need to work on is reducing the noise of "future" so I can enjoy the sound of God's "present." AMEN