Word to the Wise
Saturday, December 4, 2010 - Saturday in the First Week of Advent
[Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26 and Matthew 9:35 - 10:1, 5a, 6-8]No longer will your Teacher hide himself, but with your own eyes you shall see your Teacher, while from behind, a voice shall sound in your ears: "This is the way; walk in it," when you would turn to the right or to the left.
The season of Advent offers a rich selection of majestic passages from the book of the prophet, Isaiah! Today's selection echoes to some extent the contrasts from yesterday's. Those who follow the Lord and reject idolatry shall "see" and "hear" their true teacher, Almighty God! In the gospel scripture for today, Jesus takes pity on the crowd because they seem "troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd," and he sends the disciples out to preach and heal. He concludes his instruction with the wonderful words, "Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give."
To avoid the pitfalls of idolatry - the common problem of ancient Israel, and a common problem, expressed differently in our own day - our eyes and ears must be open to the truth and to sound teachers. For this we have the scriptures and the authoritative teachers in our Church, but we also have our common sense of faith which often urges us in ways we would prefer not to go simply because our appetites are drawn to all the attractions offered by our consumer society. Their "brightness" and "siren voices" can blind and deafen us to the truth about God. That truth has been given time and again in history. We celebrate this continuing promise and fulfillment in Advent. Isaiah's majestic words promise us the Teacher. Jesus comes and teaches. We receive this without cost. In a season of "giving," we can give it without cost to others! AMEN