Word to the Wise
Monday, February 21, 2011 - Monday in the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time
[Sirach 1:1-10 and Mark 9:14-29]All wisdom comes from the Lord and with him it remains forever, and is before all time. He has poured her forth upon all his works, upon every living thing according to his bounty; he has lavished her upon his friends.... [Sirach}
The ancient world of the Middle East has produced a tremendous amount of literature of all different kinds. Since the Bible is a product of that world (even as it is the product of the Holy Spirit, as well), the various forms of ancient literature appear in it. One of these forms is what is sometimes called "Wisdom Literature." In the Bible, that term is used of various Books such as Sirach, Wisdom, Ecclesiastes, Job, Proverbs and Psalms, etc. Over the next week, the Church will be meditating on the Book of Sirach (also known as Ecclesiasticus - but not to be confused with Ecclesiastes!) which has some wonderful lessons to teach us in a familiar vein. I know that when I read it I am reminded of the popular American author, Robert Fulghum.
Sirach opens with a hymn of praise for Wisdom. The Greek term for wisdom is sophia and in Christian tradition she is often identified with the Holy Spirit. "Gender politics" has made this a somewhat sensitive subject, but I prefer simply to think of wisdom as gender-less and a manifestation of God's power and providence which enables us to find our way through the challenges that confront us. We can be sure that the various "wisdom books" in the Bible are the product of centuries of reflection on how the Wisdom of God operates in this world. At the same time we can recognize that Wisdom works with human creatures as they are. Perhaps there is a "masculine" flavor or a "feminine" flavor to Wisdom in various cultures, which to my thinking simply provides for a richer benefit for everyone.
The profound hymn that begins Sirach today reminds us that whatever shape or gender that Wisdom takes in this world, its source is God who bestows it upon creation as God wishes. Those who strive to be a "friend" of God can count on this gift. AMEN