Word to the Wise
Thursday, March 8, 2012 - 2nd Week of Lent - Thurs
[Jer 17:5-10 and Luke 16:19-31]My child, remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus likewise received what was bad; but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented. Moreover, between us and you a great chasm is established to prevent anyone from crossing who might wish to go from our side to yours or from your side to ours.
I'm not sure who said it (Dorothy Parker?) about the very rich, but the words came to me as I read the story of 'Dives' (the name tradition gives to the rich man) and Lazarus the Beggar: "They're not like us!" The contrast is very sharply drawn in this dramatic story. Purple garments were the height of luxury in those days. So, was "dining sumptuously," since many of the people in Jesus' audience were subsistence farmers who barely fed themselves and their families. Although Abraham's words to Dives are spoken about the situation existing once both Dives and Lazarus are dead, the front door at Dives' house turned out to be a chasm as well. Behind that door were the material 'goods' that blinded Dives to Lazarus' presence. We are not told that Dives was an evil person, simply a grossly insensitive one. He could not see beyond his wealth. His door was closed in more ways than one.
Lest we think that the sharp contrast in Jesus' story is to be taken literally and applies only where that contrast exists, we should be aware that Lazarus is at everyone's door. We should be aware, too, that this is not only a matter of individual responsibility, but a collective responsibility as well. The world-wide gap between rich nations and poor is growing. People are starving on a planet that produces more than enough food to feed everyone decently. Money to buy the purple garments was the principal force in the financial crisis - greed in all its ugly forms. But none of us is exempt from the lesson as long as Lazarus is at our door. If we have a desire to be with Abraham, and want to be on his side of the chasm, we'd better open our door and take care of Lazarus. AMEN