Word to the Wise
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 2nd Week of Advent - Tues
[Isa 40:1-11 and Matt 18:12-14]Like a shepherd he feeds his flock; in his arms he gathers the lambs carrying them in his bosom, and leading the ewes with care.
One of the figurines in most folks' "nativity scene" will be a shepherd, or at least a sheep! The Old Testament has a number of images of shepherds and sheep that show an example of God's tender care of the faithful. Psalm 23, "The Lord is my shepherd," is one of the most familiar. The image from Isaiah in the first scripture for today is another. Handel's MESSIAH also captures this beautifully in the aria, "He shall feed his flock...." The Gospel of John (ch. 10) has Jesus speaking of himself as the "good shepherd." More pertinent to our season, shepherds were the first to hear the revelation of Jesus' birth. This latter scene is all the remarkable because in Jesus' day, shepherds as a social class were considered near the bottom of the ladder. Luke may be showing a fulfillment of Mary's MAGNIFICAT which speaks of God "lifting up the lowly..." Isaiah is speaking to the Jewish exiles and offering a vision of tender hope and of God's care. This is echoed in the gospel scripture for today when Jesus speaks of God's care for each member of the flock.
Perhaps this may help us to pause when we see the sheep and shepherds in the nativity scenes. Those figurines represent a lot of us, whether we be the care-giver or the care-receiver. In what ways is this true of us in this season. Are we "putting skin on" God's care? Are we willing to go so far as to search for the lost? With Isaiah, we can offer comfort to those lost and in the shadow of death! AMEN