Word to the Wise
Saturday, December 15, 2012 - 2nd Week of Advent - Sat
[Sir 48:1-4, 9-11 and Matt 17:9a, 10-13]"Blessed is he who shall have seen you and who falls asleep in your friendship."
The words highlighted above are the last lines from today's first scripture from the Book of Sirach. They refer to the great prophetic figure, Elijah, whom many in Jesus' time believed would return before the Messiah. Jesus identifies John the Baptist with Elijah, and points out that this new Elijah was not recognized, and met a violent end (at the hands of Herod). "So also will the Son of Man suffer at their hands."
As we set out the crib scene of the nativity, it is not usually with the thought of the crucifix in mind. No one really wants to think of death and violence when looking at a newborn child. Yet, even in our own day, children face violence daily. For some of them, it will be the only way of life that they experience, their "normal" as it were. This is driven home to us in the Gospel of Matthew in the story of Herod's attempt to kill all the newborn males in Bethlehem in an attempt to destroy the "newborn King of the Jews." The terrifying violence done through abortion is yet another example. Jesus and John the Baptist lived to be adults, but they did not escape violence.
One way to celebrate Advent and Christmas is to find a way to prepare a path for peace wherever we live. Perhaps we can assist persons or organizations who work for peace, or reach out to someone in our community who has been a victim of violence. One title commonly given to Jesus at this time of year is "Prince of Peace." Can we "put skin on" this title this holy season? AMEN