Friday, December 28, 2012 - Dec. 28 - Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs
[1 John 1:5-2:2 and Matt 2:13-18]
A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children, and she would not be consoled, since they were no more.
The evangelist, Matthew, had many sources for his gospel writing. Some of these sources were solidly founded in historical events and others were less so, but the evangelist may not have been in a position to judge this as we are, centuries later. Both the "infancy narratives" in Matthew and Luke are constructed in such a way as to provide a glimpse of the entire story which comes later! Therefore, they are "mini-gospels" in themselves. The story of the slaughter of infant male children on Herod's orders in an effort to destroy a possible rival "king" that the Magi had announced is not reported in contemporary writers, especially Josephus. However, this kind of order was completely plausible if one knew anything about Herod's legendary cruelty! If Matthew's goal was to present Jesus as a "new Moses," the story of Pharaoh's destruction of the Hebrew children in Exodus 1:15-22 would serve as a "prototype" and if Matthew is anxious to show that Jesus is the fulfillment of ancient prophecy, Jeremiah's words, quoted above in today's gospel, also serve as well. In focusing today on the children, which recent events do suggest, we should not forget that the main story for Matthew is about Jesus and how he fits all the prophetic statements about the Messiah.
Violence against children has a particularly horrific quality. The title of this feast is the Holy INNOCENTS. Those work in child protective services or in special hospitals like St. Jude's in Memphis which treats childhood cancer victims must have a special vocation! The deranged action in New Town, Connecticut, just before our Christmas celebration has left us all with a terrible sadness. The liturgical feast day of the Holy Innocents can magnify that. There is also the broader picture of everyday violence against children in homes across our nation, and the legalized violence of elective abortion remains a terrible blot on the constitutional heritage of our land, let alone a total disregard for the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill!" Violence against children tends to increase when economic hardship strikes families, and the current recession has provided a sad opportunity.
The church celebrates the Holy Innocents as martyrs, witnesses to faith. I can only hope and pray that our own faith will enable us to courageously stand against any person or law that enables violence against children. We should not have to create more martyrs! AMEN
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