Word to the Wise
Monday, February 22, 2016 - Feb. 22 - The Chair of St. Peter, Apostle
[1 Pet 5:1-4 and Matt 16:13-19]MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2016 CHAIR OF ST. PETER THE APOSTLE [1 Peter 5:1-4 and Matthew 16:13-19] [Jesus] said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter said in reply "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." [Matthew] The Lenten liturgical calendar takes a brief break to celebrate the ministry of the Pope! The "Chair'" simply serves as a symbol of the office. That ministry has an incredible history with scoundrels and saints alike holding the position. God writes straight with crooked lines! Under any circumstances, the job is a crushing responsibility, but the last two Popes, Benedict and Francis, have taken it on long after most men have retired. Pope Francis had already turned in his letter of resignation required of bishops at the age of 75, and was awaiting the appointment of his successor in Buenos Aires. I can only admire their courage and love for the Church they serve, which is all of us baptized Catholics, and for the world in which they stand as a symbol of faith and moral leadership. Today, we can be grateful for the ministry of Pope Francis. By almost any measure, he has brought a new energy to the office. His emphasis on the mercy of God has captured the attention of the world. No Pope can please everyone, and Francis is no exception, but I, for one, am grateful to him and for what he is doing. I pray for his good health and well-being. I hope you can join me in that. AMEN