Word to the Wise
Monday, February 20, 2017 - Monday in the 7th Week in Ordinary Time
[Sir 1:1-10 and Mark 9:14-29]MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2017 MONDAY IN THE SEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME [Sirach 1:1-10 and Mark 9:14-29] All wisdom comes from the Lord and with him it remains forever, and is before all time. The sand on the seashore, the drops of rain, the days of eternity: who ca number these? Heaven's height, earth's breadth, the depths of the abyss: who can explore these? Before all else wisdom was created; and prudent understanding from eternity. [Sirach] One of the unique things about the human being is our capacity for wonder. The sense of wonder precedes the capacity for the questions and achievements that follow. There are some folks who quickly lose that sense when they reduce the cause of wonder to a physical thing that can be measured and quantified. The Book of Sirach today calls us back to wonder and points to eternal wisdom as the source of all that incites wonder: "The word of God on high is the fountain of wisdom and her ways are everlasting. I remember nights at a retreat center outside Tucson, AZ, when one could see the stars in the sky without obstruction, or gaze into the Grand Canyon. On the Pacific shore of Oregon I can look out on that ocean. The sheer scale of it all can only bring out wonder. After meditating these past couple of weeks on Genesis and creation, God's wisdom shines forth and we can look around us at life in so many forms as well as look up and see the sun, moon and stars. This makes it even more amazing that God chose to become one of us to help us learn about God's wisdom. I hope we don't destroy the "common home" that God has given us and that we never lose our capacity for wonder. AMEN