Word to the Wise
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Wednesday in the 25th Week in Ordinary Time
[Ezra 9:5-9 and Luke 9:1-6,1075]Jesus summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. [Luke]
Many a great enterprise has its foundation story. From very humble beginnings a much larger reality takes shape. The story of the invention and establishment of the Apple computer company from a garage to a global giant is an example. There are many more. A friend of mine began a food company from her kitchen and now her products are sold all over the country. Consider the efforts of St. Vincent De Paul whose movement may be found in thousands of parishes. The story of Christianity begins with one man preaching in one small corner of one small region. Jesus began his ministry of preaching and healing in Galilee. Eventually he gathered disciples and the time came when the ministry had to expand beyond just his efforts. In the Gospel According to Luke, the story of Christianity begins in that one small corner and spreads to the world. In today's passage we have that moment when Jesus entrusts his mission to other people! It is a scary moment. No matter what authority and power he gives them, will they "stay on message," and "protect the brand?"
The apostles and other disciples did stay on message and that is why we are Christians today. That is how I can send this reflection each day. That is why we are baptized in Christ. The same power and authority are given to us to proclaim the Kingdom and heal in whatever way we can. On the final night of a parish mission, I offer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick to those who are suffering from serious and chronic ailments. The ceremony is always powerful. People bring their friends who are suffering. Jesus' message and ministry are very attractive, but there is considerable resistance from the secular world. Christianity is not something from the past but a power for the present. Yet it still depends on human effort, as when Jesus summoned those disciples and sent them out to preach. WE are now that human effort. Can we stay on message and protect the brand? AMEN