RBWords - Volume 29 - Number 1: January 2016
Something to Think About
Twenty-nine years ago in January 1988, I began sending this newsletter to a few friends. It grew out of my bulletin preaching at Southeastern Louisiana University. I was asked at that time to become the Novice Master for the Southern Dominican Province, and was suddenly without an audience for my keyboard! I sent it to a few friends and the list began to grow. Until 1996, when I became acquainted with e-mail, hard copies were sent by snail mail. There were more than a hundred recipients on the list at that time. Now only eight out of some 400 recipients receive it by snail mail.
The features of the letter have not changed. I start with "Something to think about!" and then give a run down on what my ministry has been like for the past month (SCHEDULES AND EVENTS) and what is coming up. (This part is not on my webpage at www.rbwords.com). Finally I offer a quotation from something I am reading or have read (IT HAS BEEN SAID). It has been a durable format and I plan to continue it that way.
I treasure all those who read (and occasionally respond) to these reflections. They appear on the webpage along with my daily preaching, "The Word to the Wise." Know that you are in my prayers. Please continue to pray for my itinerant preaching ministry. IT'S SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT
It Has Been Said
IT HAS BEEN SAID: "Mercy will always be greater than any sin, no one can put a limit on the love of the all-forgiving God. Just by looking at him, just by raising our eyes from our selves and our wounds, we leave an opening for the action of his grace. Jesus performs miracles with our sins, with what we are, with out nothingness, with our wretchedness."