Word to the Wise
Monday, April 6, 2009 - Monday of Holy Week
[Isaiah 42:1-7 and John 12:1-11]Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased, upon whom I have put my spirit......
The richness of Catholic tradition truly shines forth in Holy Week. This is particularly true in the scriptural passages chosen for each day. Without leaving one's chair, one could make a profound "retreat" simply by spending a few moments with the scriptures in the first three days of this week! One way to do this is to take the first scripture for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and read them through at one time to begin with. They are all from Isaiah and are all from those majestic passages traditionally called "the songs of the Suffering Servant." There are four, but the fourth one, and the most dramatic, is saved for Good Friday! (Don't miss it!) After reading those three passages from Isaiah, one might then, each day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday pay close attention to the gospel drama of Holy Week! Let Isaiah be the background music, as it were. In the light of this, every incident takes on a special poignance. This special poignance is like a series of farewells! No one seems to know for sure what is going to happen, but it's clear that the tension is building and it won't be long. Note first, for today, the gesture of Mary anointing the feet of Jesus and his comment, "Let her alone. Let her keep this for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me." This takes place at a banquet shortly after Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead and Lazarus himself is a guest! The whole event is charged with the power of Jesus over death (Lazarus) and yet his willingness to undergo death (Mary). Underneath it all is the nasty machinery of the plotting against Jesus, including Judas' own growing corruption. It will be important to realize that at one and the same time, all this drama happened FOR us (past), and happens WITH us (present) and carries us toward dramatic new life next Sunday! AMEN