Word to the Wise
Saturday, June 18, 2011 - Saturday in the 11th Week in Ordinary Time
[2 Cor 12:1-10 and Matt 6:24-34,994]Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.
These words of Jesus come after an admonition that we should not be constantly worrying about what we are going to eat or wear, etc., but seek first the kingdom and the rest will follow. One can almost picture Jesus dressed as St. Francis of Assisi when he says these words! They are a challenge to me and a lot of other folks!
They are a challenge to me because I tend to live in the future! My calendar is my life! Living entirely in the present, like a small child or one of those sparrows of the gospel, is very difficult for me. I'm always looking toward the next parish mission, retreat or novena and view gaps in the future calendar with unease! The words are a challenge to those who do not know if they will have enough to eat or wear on any given day - who live in abject poverty, hunger and homelessness and destitution. For others, a life threatening illness can focus one's attention on living each day as if it were the last - a tomorrow is a blessing. I am put in mind of the song in the musical, ANNIE, "Tomorrow! Tomorrow! There's always tomorrow! It's only a day away!" Sometimes the prospect of a "tomorrow" is all one has to live on!
So, once more, what seems counter intuitive to me and others in Jesus' teaching forces attention on our most treasured presumptions. If a "tomorrow" is one of our most treasured "possessions" or concerns, we are being asked to consider it less than seeking the Kingdom of God today! It will take a lot of effort for me and at least for those whom I mentioned above. We are challenged to give up the tomorrow of our own life in favor of the Kingdom of God for all today! AMEN