Word to the Wise
Saturday, January 7, 2012 - Jan. 7 (if Epiphany is Jan. 8)
[1 John 5:14-21 and John 2:1-11]Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.
The "beginning" of Jesus' signs is one of the most charming incidents in any of the four gospels - the marriage feast at Cana! It is not only a good story, but scripture scholars and theologians have a field day with it! One diocese where I was working took another phrase from the story as the slogan for their annual fund raising campaign: Do whatever he tells you! The line quoted above is the last line and pretty much sums up the reason and meaning of the story. An ordinary human event becomes the occasion of Jesus' debut as a revealer of God's purpose! It looks like the occasion may not have been the one Jesus would have chosen. We are told that his mother becomes aware of a problem and seems to be the catalyst for a solution. In fact, Jesus' response seems like a typical male response to her "comment," "They have no wine." He says, in effect, "Why is that my problem? I've got bigger things in mind!" Well, as the old Southern expression has it: "If Momma's not happy, nobody's happy!" The wedding becomes the occasion of a revelation of Jesus' glory! It seems to be almost private, however. The wine steward, Mary, Jesus and the disciples seem to be the only folks who know about the wine-making.
As I mentioned earlier, theologians and scripture scholars have a lot more to say about this story and its purpose, but I think the charm of it is as revealing as what Jesus actually does! This is an ordinary human event. We don't have the drama of a healing or raising someone from death. We have an embarrassing supply problem at a wedding reception! Yet, even that kind of event can become an occasion for revelation. I know from going to many wedding receptions that a chance comment I make to someone may bring them to my office the next day! I know happily married couples who met the first time at a wedding reception! Now that's a moment of revelation!
At the end of the Gospel of John, we are told that whatever "signs" are reported in the gospel, they are reported so that we can believe in Jesus. [John 20:30-31] The marriage feast of Cana is one of those signs. I think it was a great way to start a public ministry! AMEN