Word to the Wise
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 - Tuesday in the 2nd Week in Ordinary Time
[Heb 6:10-20 and Mark 2:23-28]God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love you have demonstrated for his name by having served and continuing to serve the holy ones. We earnestly desire each of you to demonstrate the same eagerness for the fulfillment of hope until the end, so that you may not become sluggish, but imitators of those who, through faith and patience, are inheriting the promises.
Those who work long and hard for a cause, especially in a position that is "hidden" from the public eye, experience the occasional thought that no one appreciates all those long hours and personal sacrifices they make. These "backbone folks" keep the effort going and do it "behind the scenes" for months and years at a time. The passage from today's first scripture is one that should bring comfort. There have been times when I have quoted to myself! Those who dedicate themselves to a worthy cause, especially one that is as sensitive as that of standing up for human life in all its forms, can expect to work long hours and many years in the face of resistance not only from those who favor one form or another of legalized killing but also from fellow "pro-life advocates" who are narrowly focused on only one part of the spectrum to the exclusion of the others! (The late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin's "seamless garment of life" approach has always appealed to me as the only position that makes any sense.) The national celebration in the church in the USA of the sad anniversary of the Supreme Court case, Rowe v. Wade, includes other offenses against human dignity!
Yesterday's celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which coincided with Inauguration Day, was a reminder that we as a nation have a long way to go in making sure that all citizens enjoy equal protection under the law. However, if we restrict that promise only to "citizens" we fail to live up to the promise that drew so many to this country. We who call ourselves Christians should read not only the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, but also the Sermon on the Mount! Human dignity transcends national boundaries and political causes. Today's commemoration focuses on the terrible reality of legal and elective abortion, but it is ALL of human life that is worthy of our prayers and efforts. As the Letter to the Hebrews reminds us, God will not forget our prayers and efforts. AMEN