Word to the Wise
Thursday, February 6, 2014 - Thursday in the 4th Week in Ordinary Time
[1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12 and Mark 6:7-13]Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by to and gave them authority over unclean spirits.......So they went off and preached repentance. The Twelve drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.
There comes a point when the trainees finish the training course and must go out and attempt to do, seriously, what they have been trained to do! However, as many graduates of law, medicine, teacher training, AND seminary discover, it's one thing to know a lot ABOUT a subject. It is entirely another to "practice" it. There is a lot more formation ahead, and the grey-haired veterans who have been in the field a long time seem to have gained in wisdom since the stars have fallen from the newly minted trainees' eyes!
One can imagine the Twelve apostles (mind you, this includes Judas at this point!) going forth with their newly granted power over evil spirits and ability to anoint and heal, AND to preach repentance! But, they really are only "scratching the surface." They do not yet understand HOW all this works. In the Gospel of Mark, they won't understand until after Jesus is crucified and risen! It is THEN that they realize their training has prepared them for a very risky task and that only their faith will keep them going at times in the face of determined and lethal opposition! (Consider the martyrs we commemorate today!) Eventually the Twelve would have to "train" others, etc. and the formation process continues to this very day! Ask any newly trained "Extraordinary Minister of Holy Eucharist" - it is one thing to receive the Eucharist, even on a daily basis. It is entirely different when one is administering the Eucharist to another person! The Twelve had to go from the "receiving" end to the "giving" end.
One final and very important point remains. ALL baptized Christians are called to the ministry of evangelization, as Pope Francis has continually emphasized! [Read his document, THEJOY OF THE GOSPEL!] The "training" for whatever talent we have will vary, but the mission is the same - to preach the gospel. Are you ready? AMEN