Word to the Wise
Saturday, April 19, 2014 - Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of the Lord At the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter - ABC
[Use at least three, or up to seven readings from the OT, but always include #3: 1) Gen 1:1-2:2 or 1, 26-31a 2) Gen 22:1-18 or 1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 3) Exod 14:15-15:1 4) Isa 54:5-14 5) Isa 55:1-11 6) Bar 3:9-15, 32-4:4 7) Ezek 36:16-17a, 18-28; NT Reading: Rom 6:3-11 Response after the Epistle: Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 [refrain: triple Alleluia""]"; Gospels for Years A, B, C: A- Matt 28:1-10 B- Mark 16:1-7 C- Luke 24:1-12,58]Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said....... Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me....
The angel and the Risen Lord have the same message! Do not be afraid! Fear might indeed be the first reaction to the empty tomb! But Christ cannot be brought to an end in a human-made tomb! He is Lord of all time - past, present, future, eternity! It is the faith of billions of people which makes him present beyond the humble beginnings in Galilee! It is also the faith of billions that will see in the many scriptures to be read on this Vigil, beginning with the beginning in Genesis! We are all made part of God's providential care! Do not be afraid!
The images of creation coming from water and of the Chosen People being delivered through the Red Sea are prominent because many will join our communion of faith through baptism or profession of faith at the Easter Vigil ceremony. St. Paul's words in the "second" scripture tell us that all who are baptized have been identified with Jesus' death and resurrection and now live in "newness of life." Our baptism is not a past event but a present living reality! It can be a very moving experience to witness the joy of those who are baptized/confirmed on this holy evening. The lighting of the Easter Candle and the singing of the "Exultet" are the dramatic opening of the experience of faith - a light shining in the darkness! Do not be afraid!
Even if it is not possible to be present at the Easter Vigil, I urge my Beloved Congregation to take a few moments and read the first [Genesis], third [Exodus] and fifth [Isaiah] scriptures along with the passage from St. Paul's Letter to the Romans and reflect on your own baptism. Light a candle in a dark room. In this we participate in Christ's rising to new life! Bring freshness to what may have become stale! Bring joy to what may be dulled by the cares of life! Let the world know you are not afraid because CHRIST IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! Amen.