Word to the Wise
Thursday, April 26, 2018 - 4th Week of Easter - Thurs
[Acts 13:13-25 and John 13:16-20]"From now on I am telling you before it happens, so that when it happens you may believe that I AM." [John]
The Church's extended reflection on Jesus' discourses in the Gospel According to John now moves from the Good Shepherd and the sheep to the Last Supper and what is known as the "Farewell Discourse." We have also moved from what scripture scholars call the "Book of Signs" (Ch. 1-12) to the "Book of Glory" (Ch. 13-21). Jesus is now preparing the disciples for what is to happen to him. In the Gospel According to John, Jesus is not the victim of circumstances beyond his control but rather is in charge of all that happens. The Farewell Discourse, however, is not a neatly organized speech. We will be seeing a mixture of themes which have appeared in the first "book" along with the promise of the Holy Spirit. It will take patience and effort on our part, but if we are to understand Jesus as the Gospel According to John presents him, we have to take his words as they come.
The words quoted above give us a way of understanding all of this. Throughout the Gospel According to John, Jesus has been revealing himself as the One whom God has sent. One of the key phrases that he uses is "I AM....." These are the words that God gives to Moses when Moses asks for God's name. All that will happen to Jesus after the Last Supper will be a revelation of his "glory" that he shares with his Father. The crucifixion and resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit are all part of this revelation. What will be demanded of the disciples is faith which will be translated into action (the washing of the feet). The message takes on a new intensity because at the time this gospel was composed, that message was resulting in believers being expelled from synagogues. Are there any consequences for us? Is our faith merely a private matter? If Jesus is the one whom God has sent, how important is that to our daily lives? The Farewell Discourse will offer us opportunities to reflect on this. AMEN