Word to the Wise
Thursday, February 28, 2019 - Thursday in the 7th Week in Ordinary Time
[Sir 5:1-8 and Mark 9:41-50]Rely not on your wealth; say not: "I have the power." Rely not on your strength in following the desires of your heart. Say not: "Who can prevail against me?" or, "Who can prevail against me?" or, "Who will subdue me for my deeds?" for God will surely exact punishment. [Sirach]
My principal ministry for the past nine years has been the preaching of parish missions and preaching retreats for priests, sisters, deacons and lay ministers in training. The retreat ministry always includes some reflection on the problem of power. This problem is a natural one and exists in all forms of human life ever since God gave "dominion" in Genesis! But when it manifests itself in the Body of Christ, grave problems can arise, as the on-going sex abuse by pastoral ministers (no matter which ones) demonstrates. Yet, it goes beyond that terrible issue to the ordinary daily efforts to provide for the Body of Christ.
The words from Sirach, quoted above, could be easily applied to various current political figures who have discovered how much they love the power their elected or appointed office gives them. But Jesus warned the disciples (and us, too) that "It cannot be that way with you! Whoever wishes to be the greatest among you must become the servant of all." His example of washing the feet of the disciples at the Last Supper is a dramatic one. Anyone entrusted with the pastoral care of the People of God, from Pope to sacristan to usher to Eucharistic Minister, priest, deacon, teacher, etc. etc. is given a power to serve and not to exploit for egotistical purposes. Sirach warns all disciples (and political figures, too!) that we will be held accountable by God for the stewardship entrusted to us. That accountability can occur anytime and not just in the last judgment, as many former powerful church and political figures are discovering! God is merciful but that mercy may include a lot of tough love. AMEN
[Note to the Beloved Congregation. Each year around this time, the Southern Dominican Province, to which I belong, reaches out to the people we serve to beg for help in meeting the needs of our elderly and infirm brothers as well as our student brothers (seminarians) in formation. If you are able to assist us, you can send a donation to THE 1216 CAMPAIGN, c/o SOUTHERN DOMINICAN PROVINCE, 1421 N. CAUSEWAY BLVD. #200, METAIRIE, LA 70001-4144. Checks should be made out to SOUTHERN DOMINICAN PROVINCE with 1216 Campaign - Fr. RBWilliams OP on the designation line. Many, many thanks for your generosity. This will be the only time I make this appeal. frRB]