Word to the Wise
Saturday, July 25, 2020 - July 25 - St. James, Apostle
[2 Cor 4:7-15 and Matt 20:20-28]We hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us. [2 Corinthians] "Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave." [Matthew]
The scriptures chosen for the feast of St. James the Greater, one of Jesus' "inner circle" (Peter, James and John). remind us that Jesus chose humans, not robots, for leadership. That includes St. Paul, who speaks about being an "earthen vessel." The gospel scripture begins with the mother of James and John intervening with Jesus on behalf of her two sons who are standing there with her. She wants Jesus to give them preferential status in his "kingdom!" One could speculate on why they got Mom to do that - but, Hey!, she's a Mom and these are her two boys! And then, there's the indignation of the other ten apostles that James and John are trying to get ahead of them. Jesus has to call them all together for a pep talk to remind them what leadership really means in his Kingdom! That "pep talk" should be required reading for anyone who exercises leadership in the Body of Christ, from pope to usher!
The two most important things to remember, then, are that the church is composed of human beings, not robots or basilicas. Ambition and all forms of the seven capital sins can be found in the followers of Jesus. Indeed, Jesus reminds us that he came to call sinners and not the righteous. The second thing to remember is that leadership means service and not domination. Pope Francis' efforts to reform church government have borne fruit in a big change of attitude on the part of the Roman bureaucracy. There's still a lot to be done on that level, and on all levels of leadership in the Body of Christ.
It may be too much to expect elimination of politics and ambition from the discernment of leadership in the Body of Christ. We are, after all, earthen vessels, but at least on the feast of an apostle, any change for the better must include those at the top as well as those on the bottom! AMEN