Word to the Wise
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - Wednesday in the 1st Week in Ordinary Time
[Heb 2:14-18 and Mark 1:29-39]When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons. The whole town was gathered at the door. He cured many who were sick with various diseases, and drove out many demons, not permitting them to speak because they knew him. Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed. Simon and those who were with him pursued him and on finding him said, "Everyone is looking for you." He told them, "Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come." [Mark]
The Gospel According to Mark seems to be very methodical in its presentation of the "gospel of Jesus Christ, [the Son of God]." [Mark 1:1]. Jesus appears at the Jordan with John the Baptist. He is identified (not to the public but to the reader) as God's "beloved Son." He is tested by the devil in the desert. He picks some disciples and then proceeds to show his power by casting out a demon from a man in a synagogue, then healing Simon's mother-in-law and then a whole bunch of people. There is also the constant theme of keeping his "real" identity a secret until he is crucified and risen. The whole effect is like a snowball gathering speed. The opposition is also identified early on because Jesus is drawing big crowds and healing on the sabbath.
All of this can seem familiar and it is easy to say, "Yes, yes! We've heard it all before!" But the gospels were written so that missionaries could have a resource for their preaching and their own perseverance. The gospel is not just about Jesus' earthly life but also about the life of any disciple. In what way do we continue Jesus' mission? We heard the message: This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel. [Mark 1:15]. Are we spreading it? AMEN