Word to the Wise
Saturday, April 7, 2007 - Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil
[Seven OT readings plus Romans 6:3-11 and Luke 24:1-12]Are you unaware that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life.
One of the most powerful experiences of Holy Week for me has been to baptize someone at the Easter Vigil. The ceremony with the New Fire and Paschal Candle and blessing of baptismal water is impressive, but the personal witness of an adult being received into the Church through an intentional commitment and being baptized is truly touching! It makes St. Paul's words, quoted above, come to life. The entire mystery of Christ's death and resurrection is enacted when this event is celebrated properly! So many of us have no memory of our baptism. If we attend a parish Easter Vigil and have the privilege of witnessing the baptism of someone who has been through the RCIA process, we can recover or renew our own commitment. The Washing of the Feet, the reception of the Lord's Body and Blood, the traumatic suffering and death on the cross, and the astonishing news from the women who first visit the tomb - all of this is summed up in the experience of baptism at the Easter Vigil in a way far more profound than a simple baptism ceremony on a given Sunday. Since I don't get to do this here at St. Catharine (there's no parish or RCIA program here!), I envy a close friend of mine who will attend a "Chrismation" (confirmation) of a friend of hers at an Orthodox Church tomorrow evening. She will have a wonderful experience. It is sad that many avoid the vigil because "it's too long." The proclamation of the ALLELUIA at the Easter Vigil is a celebration not just of the Lord's Resurrection but of our own in baptism. He is the Resurrection and the Life. He is truly risen! Our baptism enables us to share that experience with him! Happy Easter! AMEN