Word to the Wise
Monday, October 19, 2009 - Sts. Isaac Jogues, SJ, John Brebeuf, SJ and Companions - North American Martyrs
[Romans 4:20-25 and Luke 12:13-21]Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one's life does not consist of possessions.
One of the underlying premises of our American cultural experience is: "More is better!" Our security rests on having more than enough! Or does it? Jesus says our true security doesn't rest on possessions at all! For many of us the only way we learn this lesson is to face a terminal illness or imprisonment! Suddenly, material possessions take on a completely different perspective! Nevertheless, "greed" remains one of the seven deadly sins for good reason. The lure of material wealth is hard to resist. To get this point across, Jesus uses a vivid parable - one that has very modern tones to it. The rich man mistakenly believes his wealth will protect him. He says: "Now as for you, you have so many good things stored up for many years, rest, eat, drink, be merry!" Jesus states what should be obvious: "You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?" The spectacle of large estates being tied up for years in law courts by quarreling heirs is all too well-known! The spectacle of large "Ponzi" schemes that swindle innocent investors has been a common feature in the headlines in the last couple of years! The failure of large companies like Enron in Houston due to greed on the part of the leaders testified to the monumental greed of those leaders. There are examples of this before us in the news every day. Our security, be it national, state, local or personal does not depend on material provisions, a large army, or the Department of Homeland Security! The gospel continually reminds us that the very things that we think will protect us are really things that we wind up protecting! Our only security is in our faith in God. AMEN