Word to the Wise
Thursday, June 16, 2016 - Thursday in the 11th Week in Ordinary Time
[Sir 48:1-14 and Matt 6:7-15]THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2016 THURSDAY IN THE ELEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME [Sirach 48:1-14 and Matthew 6:7-15] "If you forgive others their transgressions, your Heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions." [Matthew] These words follow immediately after the words of the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. We call that prayer, the "Our Father," or "The Lord's Prayer." That prayer is one of the most familiar prayers in all of Christianity. It one that we learn very early in our lives. But it's sheer familiarity can dull us to its demands. In particular, the words, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." It is this part of the prayer that Jesus underlines by the words that are quoted above and which follow the prayer immediately. Elsewhere in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says that we should be reconciled with our neighbor before coming to worship. {Mt. 5:23-24) He also responds to Peter's question about how often we must forgive in the parable of the Unforgiving Servant and even gives a process for achieving reconciliation (Matt. 18:15-35). I think I can safely say that forgiveness is high on Jesus' list of teachings and commands. Like so much of the Sermon on the Mount we will find this command to be difficult. Forgiveness and reconciliation are two different things. Forgiveness is always in our control. Reconciliation is not, because it takes more than one person! But both are high on Jesus' list. Jesus' words are clear. If we expect God to forgive us, we must forgive others too. As in all things, if we make the effort, the Lord will provide help. AMEN