Word to the Wise
Friday, January 19, 2018 - Friday in the 2nd Week in Ordinary Time
[1 Sam 24:3-21 and Mark 3:13-19]FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 2018. FRIDAY IN THE SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME [1 Samuel 24:3-21 and Mark 3:13-19] Jesus went up the mountain and summoned those whom he wanted and they came to him. He appointed Twelve, whom he also names Apostles, that they might be with him and he might send them forth to preach and have authority to drive out demons. [Mark] When Jesus goes up a mountain, we know that something important is about to happen. This time it involves choosing those who would initially help him in his ministry. We know that they were a "mixed bag" of fishermen, a tax collector, a political activist, a chronically skeptical character, etc. etc. Two of them would betray him - one to the religious authorities, the other by denying any knowledge of Jesus. The reasons for choosing these men and not others remain a mystery. They would assume a special importance as the foundation stones of the church. We profess our faith in a church that is "apostolic" when we recite the creed on Sundays. However, the task of preaching the gospel did not come to an end when these twelve men were gone! Jesus continues to choose disciples to continue his ministry. The threshold qualifications are faith and baptism! All baptized disciples are called to preach and drive out the demons of our times. This is not a matter only of ordination to diaconate, priesthood or episcopate. If the task were left to them alone, the church would be in mortal danger. Jesus chose the twelve apostles from among his early disciples. That choice is continued in the pope and bishops of the church. But the vast majority of the Church are laity - baptized disciples. We need to remember that because Pope Francis has challenged us all (ordained or not) to be missionaries of mercy. AMEN