Word to the Wise
Thursday, November 26, 2015 - 4th Thurs. in Nov. - Thanksgiving Day
[ and ]THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2015 THANKSGIVING DAY, U.S.A. [Sirach 50:22-24; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; and Luke 17:11-19] "Ten were cleansed, were they not? Where are the other nine? Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?" My father taught me that one of the worst sins is that of ingratitude. It's not always an intentional thing, but often is due to taking for granted something that we did nothing to earn or had no particular right to. It is in realizing the generosity of the giver of the gift and expressing our gratitude that the gift is truly received and completed. Notice in the gospel today that the Samaritan leper realizes not only has he been "cleansed" like the other nine Jewish lepers, but he has been "healed" - restored to his family and community. He has been made whole and that this could only have been done by God. It is in giving thanks to God in the person of Jesus that he is saved! No doubt the others were glad they were cleansed but they failed to realize what it meant beyond their immediate change. Although we will all have personal reasons to be thankful FOR many blessings, it is in remembering whom we should be thankful TO that real gratitude occurs. And we must express it openly and joyfully. Therefore, I want to express my open and joyful gratitude to you, my Beloved Congregation for your patient reading and support in this preaching. As St. Paul says in the second scripture for today, "I give thanks to my God always on your account..." AMEN